Engineers For Change - SL Engineers For Change - SL innovate4jobsSL
Engineers For Change - SL
We exist to improve engineering education and practice in Sierra Leone.
Engineers For Change - SL
Help us fundraise to support our projects and programmes.
We are raising £50,000 to equip and run an innovation/startup hub for young engineers in Freetown which will be based in a building donated by the University of Sierra Leone.
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EfCSL celebrates all papers published by its members.
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Welcome to Engineers for Change – Sierra Leone

Engineers for Change (Sierra Leone) or EfCSL, is a UK charity that was set up in May 2011. Led by a group of engineering and related professionals, the aim of the charity is to provide both awareness and practical support in order to bridge the engineering skills gap in Sierra Leone, and to support local engineering institutions in the development of the next generation of engineering professionals.


Full details are available here:

We have recently teamed up with partners from Imperial College, London, the Royal Academy of Engineers and the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers to deliver a programme to raise the standard of engineering education and practice at the University of Sierra Leone. While delivering this programme we discovered a tremendous appetite for self-employment, startup and entrepreneurship among the University students, staff and young people outside of the university. We also realised that entrepreneurship is treasured among the young because the lack of employment opportunities is triggering the Sierra Leonean desire to create their own success stories.  The problem is that while there is an improving standard of higher education, years of endemic misfortune has almost extinguished the employment opportunities for young people. We quickly realised that business start-up is vitally important since all the training and education in the world cannot bear fruit if there are no jobs to go to and no infrastructure in place to create businesses.  We are raising £50,000 to equip and run an innovation/startup hub for young engineers in Freetown which will be based in a building donated by the University of Sierra Leone. We have budgeted to fund the Centre for two years with this crowdfund.

EfCSL News

EfCSL’s contribution to the evolution of the initial Professional Development of young Engineers in Sierra Leone.

ColinJuly 12, 2024


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Engineers for Change supports the University of Sierra Leone in winning a grant to improve University Engineering Education in Sierra Leone.

Rowland GordonJanuary 5, 2024

Engineers for Change (Sierra Leone), in partnership with the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Sierra Leone…

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Engineers for Change, Sierra Leone (EfCSL) launches a Work Experience Exchange Programme in collaboration with WSP, a UK industry leader.

Rowland GordonJune 23, 2023

Engineers for Change, Sierra Leone (EfCSL), in partnership with the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE) is delivering a project…

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Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers Biennial Conference 2022

ColinAugust 27, 2022

Engineers for Change Sierra Leone (EfCSL) participated in person and virtually at the recent Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE)…

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Donate & Support EfCSL

Please support us as we raise money for several different projects and appeals in Sierra Leone.
Find out more about the projects and appeals here.

You can support us financially via JustGiving or PayPal.
Both methods support one-off payments or monthly donations, should you wish.


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