
What can be done to protect Sierra Leone’s highway assets?

RoTAP Opinion Piece

Book Cover: What can be done to protect Sierra Leone’s highway assets?
Part of the 2012 series:
  • What can be done to protect Sierra Leone’s highway assets?
Part of the Infrastructure series:
  • What can be done to protect Sierra Leone’s highway assets?

The paper is an opinion piece prepared by Rokel Technical Advisory Panel (RoTAP), following two recent bridge failures in Sierra Leone.



This paper is an opinion piece prepared by Rokel Technical Advisory Panel (RoTAP), following two recent bridge failures in Sierra Leone. RoTAP is a UK diaspora organisation comprising engineering and technical professionals. The paper offers suggestions on possible solutions to address the problem of protecting the country’s highway assets.


Sent to policy makers and SLIE in Sierra Leone on Protecting Sierra Leone’s  Highway Assets