Books - donated by EfCSL

EfCSL donates over 400 books across Freetown

In January 2016, EfCSL Trustee Maria Whitmore embarked on a number of activities in Freetown, Sierra Leone on behalf of...

Engineers for Change Launch Event – Speeches & Presentations

On 30th September, Engineers for Change Sierra Leone (EfCSL), in partnership with the Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC), held its launch event and...

Departures and Arrivals delayed at Sierra Leone’s proposed second international airport

The ongoing Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone has delayed commencement of construction of the country’s second international airport. The international...

Ebola Conference: From Emergency to Recovery

The international conference “Ebola: from emergency to recovery” brought together around 900 participants in Brussels on 3 March 2015. The...

Sierra Leone Higher Education: At the Crossroads for Change

Koso-Thomas, one of Sierra Leone’s leading academic scholars, entrepreneur and professional engineer, in his new book ‘Sierra Leone Higher Education:...

African Development Bank Funds Major Road Building Scheme in Sierra Leone

The African Development Bank will hold its 50th Annual Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from May 25-29, 2015. The Meetings...

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