
RoTap changes name to EfCSL

RoTAP has renamed itself Engineers for Change (Sierra Leone) or EfCSL. Our Charity Commission number and all other aspects of the charity are unchanged.

The old name, RoTAP, used since the charity was founded in 2011, stood for Rokel Technical Advisory Panel. The significance of the name Rokel was derived from the river Rokel in Sierra Leone, which is the longest river in the country, flowing from the northeast to the estuary in the capital city, Freetown. The Rokel river featured on the old RoTap logo. In addition, the charity does indeed comprise of a panel of engineering and technical experts which continues to offer advice to engineering institutions within Sierra Leone.

However, the main reason for the name change in 2014 was to reflect the wider work that our charity has undertaken over the last three years, such as raising funds for class equipment and software for engineering colleges in Sierra Leone. Moreover, the new name aims to reflect an overriding wish of the Trustees, now more than ever because of the recent ravages of Ebola.

This wish is that the charity should play its own small part in contributing to positive, developmental change within Sierra Leone.