
Innovation Hub opening at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sierra Leone

The Innovation Hub at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sierra Leone was opened on Friday 19th February by the a senior civil servant representing the Ministry of Higher Education.

Engineers for Change (Sierra Leone) (EfCSL) has been working with the university and Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE) since the project’s inception in developing the concept of the Innovation Hub.

The Hub will provide space and facilities for students and academic staff at the University of Sierra Leone to create and develop innovative ideas and project into viable projects of benefit to industry and the wider society.

The Hub is part of the African Catalyst Programme Phase 2 project funded by the Royal Academy of Engineers.  Their partners include SLIE, Imperial College London and Innovation Action (UK) and us.

We have led a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to purchase equipment for the Hub in the form of a Wi-Fi Server and desktop computers.   The New Malden Rotary Club in London, through EfCSL, made a significant donation towards equipment for the Hub.